TY - RPRT TI - WESE Deliverable 3.1 EMF Modelling AU - Chainho, P AU - Bald, J AB - The WP3 of the WESE project aimed to develop strategic research to address gaps in knowledge to improve modelling of potential cumulative pressures and environmental impacts of future WE deployments at larger scale. This deliverable reports the works of Task 3.1, aimed to investigate the EMF emitted by subsea power cables. The main goal of Task 3.1 was to estimate the magnetic and electric field amplitude around the cables serving IDOM and Waveroller devices. The task description mentioned this goal would be achieved making use of commercial EMF modeling software, with the model estimates validated by comparison with the values measured in the field work, as described in EMF monitoring plans established under WP2. The main goal was achieved, however by slightly different means. During the task development, the team concluded on the possibility of creating an open-source tool capable to estimate the EMF distribution around a three-phase cable design of adjustable dimensions, which would expand the added value to (and beyond of) the WESE project. Thus, while achieving the main goal, this task produced an open-source EMF modelling tool based on Python code and FEMM software. On the validation side, for a number of reasons described in (Paulo Chainho, 2020), it was not possible to gather quality EMF data, thus a comparison study was made with the outcomes of similar modeling studies, that proved high correlation. DA - 2021/06// PY - 2021 SP - 31 PB - WavEC Offshore Renewables UR - https://marendata.eu/wese#state=eyJpZCI6IjMzZGU0ODgyLTZhYTEtNDljNy1hZmIwLTliMmQxYjhlNzAzYiIsInRzIjoxNjk0MDIzNTIwLCJtZXRob2QiOiJyZWRpcmVjdEludGVyYWN0aW9uIn0=&client_info=eyJ1aWQiOiJkNWUyYTNmNC01ZWRlLTRjODgtYjYwMS0wMWZhMGI1YmMzMWItYjJjXzFfc2lnbnVwX3NpZ25pbiIsInV0aWQiOiI5ZWFmYTRlYi01YTdlLTRkMmUtOGExYy01ZWU2OWUyNjA2NzIifQ&id_token=eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6Ilg1ZVhrNHh5b2pORnVtMWtsMll0djhkbE5QNC1jNTdkTzZRR1RWQndhTmsiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QifQ.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.K2iOyxRtHN8C5_rDxfeo_dnRNW_UF3N9FV_p8A86Zx7ivZ58TE3fh3kTYJXi7hZS1tKxyPR3CjUZsXl22BnOJZyHNWACAKUcneTKDnWolIVHs4KzCq9NjzrIeYn1XGbPMg2OWl936NVveIRYW1o8_1IjtTZeJG4qsfMbDnELYAU9NBJnjV-CdQqhaLNx7mmVjmpzbsaeoT0LGzw46EJqJ5d8wqaSPXtPmcTI0GaKCJGJy_QJTxGuWxgWmYQhnWH_DY2zMU1cUCvSQpJpLf4NPhCGZKMb5Am4OhohWiyasNHNtvhdd6sVcgjjJ8c536GO5ixoYmeT1mVHYZ5NHBXOOQ LA - English KW - Marine Energy KW - Wave KW - EMF ER -