MHK Tech Papers Blog

Since this is a blog, blogging about another blog would seem to be fair game. As is the case for environmental MHK research, technology research is also published in a wide range of journals and conference proceedings. Consequently, it can be difficult to stay abreast of the latest technology developments. In January, 2012, Alison Labonte began to aggregate new publications in technology development, economics and resource assessment. In mid-2012, and Mike Spray made this list of papers publically viewable at:

This blog acts as a virtual journal for MHK research, with each entry consisting of a technical paper (journal, conference proceeding, etc.). Users have the ability to comment on and rate papers, which may be helpful to help identify top papers in certain research areas. The blog covers the technology development aspects of wave, tidal, current, and ocean thermal energy technologies, as well as cross-cutting research (e.g., offshore wind, materials science) applicable to MHK technology development. It also covers the economics of technology development, deployment and maintenance. The blog does not cover policy, social science, or environmental research (TETHYS has these topics well in hand).

The blog has an RSS feed (, so keeping track of new content is a simple matter of adding the feed to your favorite reader.


Wave Energy
Tidal Energy
Offshore Wind